Farmers face a major problem with the non-availability of good quality seed. Increased cost of seed, poor germination, limited availability of seed and its transport are some of the constraints that are usually faced by the farmers. During baseline survey of some of the villages, farmers repeatedly expressed their desire that the KVK/State Agriculture Department should ensure timely availability of seeds of improved varieties to farmers. However, KVK with Limited land resources as such cannot produce enough seeds of improved varieties to meet the ever-increasing demand of the farmers. So, to meet the demand of seeds and to make the villages self reliant in seed requirement, KVK, Majhgawan introduced seed production programmes through its adopted villages. In this regards, seed village in a cluster of villages and seed clubs at village level were developed. KVK demonstrated the seed production technology at its instructional farm. Seed villages/ seed clubs are producing seeds under close supervision and guidance of KVK Scientists. The seeds produced in these villages are bold and healthy. The farmers are reserving the seeds for next sowing in more area. These villages are now not only meeting the seeds requirements of their own village but also supplying the surplus seeds to nearby villages that provide good income to the growers. The members of the Seed clubs exchange their seeds for food grains with in the village (for 1 kg seed they take 1.25 kg food grain from farmer).