The Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK) at Ambajogai, in Beed district of Maharashtra was started in year 1992. This center is helping
farmers to increase both farm and non-farm income by providing them on-farm and farmers’ field trainings in various disciplines.
Beed District is one of the most backward areas of Marathwada, and the setting up of a Krishi Vigyan Kendra provided an opening for all round development of this most needy district.

The KVK has focused on the transfer of new technologies, while refining traditional ones to suit the changing climate of the district. Promotion of cereals, pulses, oilseed, vegetable, spices and fruits like mango and pomegranate; soil test based application of nutrients and production of bio-agents are few of the special achievements of this KVK. The center has proved that even small unit owners/farmers can generate sufficient income through the adoption of a resource-based farming system model and contribute to the nation’s capital formation.
Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Beed is developing appropriate need-based agricultural technologies through its innovative programs and approaches with the initiative, involvement and empowerment of the villagers with prime emphasis on sustained productivity; evolving suitable farming/cropping systems with a logical mix of cereals, coarse cereals, pulses, oilseeds, vegetables and fruits; thereby giving due regard to maximum water use efficiency; agro-climatic suitability; productivity and economic viability aspects; and livelihood support systems in resource poor areas of the district.

To achieve stability and sustainability in production and productivity, the KVK has organized programs with the main objective of assessing the potential of rain-fed technologies through assessment and refinement of technologies under different micro farming situation with active involvement of farmers. It had conducted front line demonstration on important crops of the district, to show the production potential of improved agricultural technologies to maximize the yields per unit area per unit time. These demonstrations included various agronomical and horticultural crops and other allied enterprises. To impart knowledge and skills on latest technical know-how capacity building programs for farmers, farm women, rural youths and extension functionaries were arranged. The major thrust areas included Integrated Crop Management (ICM), Integrated Pest Management (IPM), Integrated Nutrient Management (INM), Natural resource management (NRM), Post Harvest Technology (PHT), Livestock farming systems, youth and gender related programmes.